Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Keshyog Hair Oil User Reviews


Escribeme Write

When the wind bare trees
The others have gone to the movies and so
But you want to be alone
And do not feel like talking send me

Now you'll feel less vulnerable
When people
find only indifference
I never forget you my

And if there are special words that tell
Please do not worry, I can understand you

For me it's the biggest thing if I think a minute on my
Because I can be content if I send a greeting
We still have little to feel closer

When the clear sky will shine
And the days they lasted
not wait to finish the day
If you want to send

Also when you think love makes you

I never forget you my

And if there are special words that tell
Please do not worry, I can understand you
for me is the biggest one minute if I think I can be content because
If you send me a greeting
We need to feel little closer

also pancreas
Que que cuando hare you Enamorar

You escríbeme


... when the wind has stripped the trees
others went to the cinema but you want to be alone

little desire to talk then ... ...

will feel less fragile
when the people you will find only indifference

you do not forget about me ..

And if you do not have anything particular to say

not worry I'll know I understand

enough to know that I think even a minute ..
be satisfied because I know even a simple greeting
it takes a little ..
to feel closer

... when the sky seems clearer

the days are getting longer now but you do not wait for the evening if you want to sing

Write me ... even if you think you love

You do not ever forget me
and if you do not know how to tell if you can not find the words

not worry I will understand

enough for me to know
me think a minute because I
I can make do even a simple greeting

it takes just to feel closer

... even when you think ... you're in love

... You write


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