Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sample Letter For Request In Reduction Of Price

Glycemic Index Androx-Q12

Each food is assigned a glycemic index. This number determines the speed at which food is processed by the body and the sugars are absorbed into the blood.
This index basically establishes the relationship between the amount of sugar in the blood increases in a period of two or three hours after eating, but we must clarify that this concept applies particularly to GI carbohydrates as foods high in fat or protein do not cause the same extent that increase in blood sugar caused by the consumption of carbohydrates.
The fundamental principle is to eat foods that do not alter the levels of blood sugar. The more
higher the GI of foods you consume, the greater the level of sugar in your blood.

Ideally, our diets were rich in complex carbohydrates and moderate GI, ensuring that throughout the day, our levels of blood sugar more stable (people who have diabetes know, so they should provide more attention to this detail of the IG), as a consequence of more stable blood sugar levels we should be less hungry, more energetic feel and most importantly, that these carbohydrates are not stored as body fat.

Remember that an increase in sugar levels blood causes the body release more insulin and although this hormone is needed to stimulate the absorption of nutrients at the cellular level, an excess of this hormone causes fat utilization for energy decreases, translated into Castilian, means that if not select complex carbohydrates moderate GI will be difficult to stay lean and even more fat can increase no matter what our diets are low in calories.

Examples of some foods Glycemic Index:
Salad (lettuce, endive, etc.). - 15
Soymilk - 20
peanut puree without sugar - 25
Milk (skim or not) - 30
Apple - 35
Oats / oatmeal (uncooked) - 40
Lactose - 40
pasta, al dente - 40
orange juice (unsweetened) - 45
long basmati rice - 50
Muesli (no sugar) - 50
white cooked spaghetti - 55
Ketchup - 55
Mayonnaise (industrial) - 60
50% rye bread with yeast - 65
Special K ® - 70
White sugar (sucrose) - 70
plain white rice - 70
homemade mashed potatoes - 80
Loaf of Bread - 85
Honey - 90
Chips - 95
Glucose - 100
Maltodextrin - 105

As you can see the honey or sweetener widely used as maltodextrin GI foods are very high, that is the reason that many people all sweetened drinks honey or consume "light" products in excess, can not lose weight because the GIs of these foods makes these foods are likely to be stored as fat.

What IG should I eat ...
... before training? low to moderate GI
... during exercise? high GI
... after exercise?
high GI


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