Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Should I Text To Scorpio


sport in food are responsible for providing the nutrients the body needs.

is important to understand the relationship between food and nutrients they provide.

  • foods that provide water, such as fruits, vegetables and beverages in general. The
  • that provides minerals, are fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The
  • that provides protein are meat, fish, soy, eggs, milk, cheese and dairy products.
  • those providing lipids are butter, margarine and oil.
  • those providing carbohydrates include sugar, honey and jam.
  • Those who provide carbohydrates are bread, oats, rice, pasta and pulses.
  • The contributors are potato starch, rice and pasta.
  • those providing vitamins are fruit juices and vegetables.

Some of the most important foods in the diet of the athlete are:

The Pan: is the best source of carbohydrates and one of the largest vitamin.
Unlike other bakery products, has proportions of fat and sugar that make it more suitable. is constituted as an irreplaceable food in the diet of the athlete. The bread is best suited to meet the needs of athletes.

Cookies or Pastries: source of carbohydrates and fat. Snacks are appropriate as a source of carbohydrates. cookies, pastries and cakes filled with cream or cream should be avoided during training and testing, because of its richness in fat.

Potatoes: is an easily digestible food and "quenching." Recommended to be prepared by boiling skin and little water. The other forms that require cooking fat for their preparation fries, fried, omelette should restrict or even eliminate the days of the sporting event.

Pasta: The comprehensive have a high carbohydrate, vitamin B and minerals, and are the choice in the diet of athletes.

Cereal: from corn, rice, oats, wheat etc. are becoming more accepted in the usual diet with dairy products, is a highly energetic and complete mixing in the nutritional aspect. In such mixtures, we all recognize the existence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, but surprised at its high in vitamins and minerals.

Cereals Germ: Of particular interest is the regular consumption due to its high nutritional value as ensure an adequate supply of potassium-magnesium complex and vitamin E.
Wheat germ is a good dressing for salads and vegetables.

Rice: should choose brown rice against refined, as it is a very important source of carbohydrates slow absorption.

Vegetables: It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber are forced in an athlete's diet.

Legumes: S on high protein, fat and carbohydrates , in addition to vitamins and minerals. Flatulent
His condition does not make them appropriate for the moments before the sporting event, but not conceived the basal diet of the athlete without a dish of vegetables

Fructose: is used as a sugar substitute and the diets for diabetics, for his lower glycemic index.

Honey: Because its component sugars are rapidly absorbed, they should not take a single drink large amounts before a sporting event. Sharing is recommended in small Dose: tea sweetened with honey-sweetened juice, slice of bread with honey etc. These snacks can act as true "power shots" , about 30 minutes before the test.

Jams and marmalades: They provide the sugar is added for processing.
replace these products is recommended fruit mixed with bread.

Nuts: They provide protein, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.
are a highly nutritious food. Avoid fried by taking high fat content.

Chocolate: Rico in fat and sugar is a food quenching, which provides energy and is digested very well. No allergic reactions, there is no reason to remove it from the athlete's diet, although only be taken occasionally.

Milk: provide vitamins, minerals (phosphorus, calcium), protein (lactalbumin), folic acid etc. is an essential food in the diet of an athlete and can be taken in any ways: hail, milkshake, cold, hot, single, whole, semi-skimmed, skimmed milk, curd, yoghurt, etc.
is suggested to take it in sips. When complete, it becomes more digestible if you add some kind of cereal mixed.

Meat: provide proteins of high biological value , vitamins, trace elements, etc.

Fish: Foods rich in protein and easily digestible . Not all fish have the same ratio protein / lipid.

Fruit: constitutes an important source of vitamins and minerals . Its high water content makes them quenching thirst. For its part, the dried fruit is a very valuable from a nutritional standpoint. They are recommended as a snack in the long-term sports: skiing, climbing, cycling, etc.

The Sweets: In general, a good source of empty calories. The advice the athlete should get used to the taste less "sweet" for some food.

white sugar: is sucrose and has high sweetness. Raw sugar has only small amounts of minerals and trace elements. His digestion kidnaps minerals elsewhere in the body and can lead to demineralization if consumed frequently.
should be replaced by integral cane brown sugar or fructose.


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