Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Should I Put On A Tattoo

latest generation pre-workout! Egg and Ovofull

NANOPROXIL ® the most powerful pre-workout, stimulating and energy booster

Features and Benefits:
- Promote vasodilation
- Promotes production Nitric oxide
- Promotes strength, endurance, muscle recovery and
- Supports more
working capacity - Supports the production of ATP
- Promotes quick energy
- No negative side effects compared with other pre classics: exhaustion, nervousness, insomnia.
- After training, there is no acceleration or agitation (not needed overdose, as many other competing brands)
- Authorized by the Ministry of Health (EC) NUT/PL/AS/1363/3
- Single
Nanoproxil ® is a revolutionary product that combines at least 30 essential ingredients. The product is made by a dramatic increase in explosive power, offers a quicker recovery, increased muscle bulk and increased production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Nanoproxil ® gives you an incredible PUMP and contribute to greater capacity for training and muscle development.
The elements help contribute mainly the increase of nitric oxide balance in the body resulting in a rapid vasodilation, increased muscle blood circulation, increased oxygenation and improved humanitarian access to all elements important nutrition, hormones and other elementary substances for muscle tissue.

activity Nanoproxil ® is based on some key elements that act complementary to each other and promotes at least 5 functional activities in your body:

VNO ² (vasodilators nitric oxide complex): Nanoproxil ® combines AAKG ( L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate), Gakic Gakic and L-ornithine, is a very powerful product that signicant increases total muscle work performed during intense sets of resistance training at least 10% and fatigue strength about 28% (clinical trial versus placebo). As a result, the athlete be able to train harder with more muscle endurance and less fatigue. Ornithine and glutamine help to strengthen muscles and other tissues while also appear to have anti-catabolic effect.

CVF (volumizing formula): Nanoproxil ® contains CREA-TRON ®, an exceptionally rich mix of creatinine double buffered, responsible for increasing explosive strength, bigger muscles, increased work capacity and a large increase ATP production.

AEC (anabolic enhancement Complex): Nanoproxil ® uses a number AACR at the appropriate rate of 2:1:1. BCAAs represent about 1 / 3 of our muscles and play an important role in building proteins.

has been shown that supplementation with BCAAs in accordance with carbohydrate intake after exercise increases insulin resistance. These facts suggest that adopting new
BCAA with carbohydrates around exercise lead to a synergistic increase in glucose
and amino acid uptake in skeletal muscle. Nanoproxil ® contains a primary source of carbohydrates in their formulation (6.4 g of maltodextrin and dextrose) given to this source of energy as a fuel premium for the product.

Nanoproxil ® also contains glycine, which plays a role in the production of hormones and
helps build a strong immune system.

Carnosine is a sensor of oxygen radicals well known and a major source of muscular protection against free radical damage induced by oxidative stress. Carnosine protects from damage your muscles during training, which can be high levels of oxidative stress.

TIS (thermogenic Induction System): The combination of Caffeine, Theobromine, ginseng, glucuronolactone result in an increase in resistance, improve memory, anti-inflammatory, immunogenic and chemopreventive. Tyrosine finally increases resistance to stress.

INSUVOL (formula for improving insulin): We have shown that Nanoproxil ® contains ingredients that enhance insulin effects (ornithine, BCAA € ™ s). But it also contains GPA (Guanidinopropionic acid) and R-alpha lipoic acid. PAM helps regulate insulin function, promotes
weight loss, improved fitness, work capacity, increased consumption of creatine helps your muscles appear more prominent. PAM is undoubtedly one of the most complementary
of creatine. The R-alpha lipoic acid serves as a coenzyme in the process of energy production in muscle cells that can provide quick bursts of energy. Alpha Lipoic Acid also helps to invigorate the mind and physical energy in addition to a reduction in muscle fatigue.


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