Friday, February 4, 2011

Dongle Usb For Real Flight

Are all protein shakes are created equal?

some popular belief that all are equal protein shakes I open this post with information gathered from the official website of Scitec Nutrition, to perhaps clarify a little, not all protein shakes have the same quality and quantity of protein or carbohydrates.

Why is enough protein tested in the laboratory, the only information guaranteed?

- When analyzing a protein product in the laboratory, the only information Interestingly, the actual content of proteins.

- Actually, in the laboratories the carbohydrate content was not even discussed, but simply subtracting calculated by reference to the weight of the other values \u200b\u200btested and samples.

- If the protein content of a product matches the value shown on the label, you know that the product is high quality and quantities of carbohydrates and fats match information.

- In the event that the product is not subjected to analysis, you will have no way of knowing what it contains! The story ends here, you have to trust blindly. Always buy products manufacturer that dares and can afford to analyze proteins (paying for), thus ensuring their quality!

- If as a laboratory test the protein content of a product is lower than that recorded in the information, this difference will greatly influence the amount of other macronutrients appear on the label. If the amount of protein is different from what makes the label, but it is a difference of 10%, it means that the actual number probably talking about a lack of 2 or 3 grams per serving. This extra weight of 2 or 3 grams in the diet must be present in hydrate form and / or extra fat! And when, according to information from the label, there are 0 grams or just a couple of grams of carbohydrate and / or fat in a serving of protein, in this case 2 or 3 grams actual mean an incredible 300% 200 or more, of these macronutrients not allowed!

- Most consumers use 2 "dose" (2 scoops dose) to prepare a shake, and take more of a shake daily. Thus, although there is a difference of only 10%, can consume up to 20 grams of sugar and unwanted fat! And a difference of 10% over what appears on the label of the food industry is a value still accepted. Imagine your product differs by 20 or 30% of the information, which is quite common! "Hidden sugars 60 grams a day, from a protein which has paid a high price!?

Everything is quite clear from the last two paragraphs where explains that a simple variation of 10% in the protein content of our smoothies can be converted to a daily amount of sugar with which we did not have in our diet.
is very common to hear the typical sentence: "I do not take protein shakes because I get fat" seems that this article is the explanation, the solution is not to stop taking protein shakes but shakes buy higher quality and reliability give us their labels.

Scitec Nutrition warrants the amount of protein in their shakes


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