Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Are The Legendary Pokemons In Pokemon Deluge

Panzerjäger 39 (H) 7.5cm (Marder I) 2 of the first painting

We have now finished assembling the side of the radio ...

not see what brings the area of \u200b\u200binjection gates

join other parts inside.

and the interior and painted, colored and hesitate between network hull, but not where I read that the German network was unique hull .. and as the chassis was French .. I gave the colored

here and look better .. and something nasty.

the other hand, gave him a dry brush to draw outlines with deep sienna ..

you do, a lot of chips, thinking about the treatment that leads inside .. and I think I might go, how do you see?, perhaps too pronounced in the drawer
ammunition and gun
profile and rub well with some graphite ..

this is one of those models that hope to win in the end ... Well

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Heather Brooke I Ddeep Throat

BA-6, Republic 1937 (GCE), 7 Painting

to follow ... this will as in the BT-7, presombreado in black before painting to give depth ...

and then green and Russian air model ...

and you can believe, clearing the airport ... I hop drained and hands, splashes and a drop of alcohol, goes to the side ..

good is solved .... now following a mixture of green and yellow for the lights ...

now falls but water ... this car starts to have the black

and now we take the yellow sand model air ... the tone more like the sand on this time ... we saw a show of hands, I have three camo patterns as well ... one very difficult to do, another very heavy wave and a very thick, as is unknown units, opt for a free version ... but the same color .. the edges are blurred

here and we've painted some legends .. and gave her wax

soon as I enter the

Saline Solution Flying

the first steps of my hija, 08/05/11

this begins as all good parent who would like your child hiciese models or tried, since I started at the early 7-8 years ... well .. my son Revell performed a leopard, a PZ IV Hasegawa, a corsair Revell and Hasegawa to 1/72..terminados Sherman. then began a tractor korea to 1 / 35 and a French ship to 1 / 700 of trumpeter .. but my happiness in a hole, passes like the item but the pc and change informática.en my 8 year old daughter ... always stuck to me, I clean the brushes, change the water if you fall .. looking for something .. and it is because he wants to start .. and the beat is always hitting me so today after giving the second increase of light to the figures, I take a break, I flew .. sencillito gave her short nails, sandpaper, glue his plane and told ... "go .. to wing it," he filled the Light face .. I gave him tips on how (which I never gave me one), not if you remember .. and then under my eyes and explanations had a good time ... you will not be as bad insurance .. .. because I want to do it, will blobs, paint bad .. not sanded or sealing ... but I hope you enjoy it ... and is willing to see in his distant .. and just started ... ja Jaaaa're like me ... well I rolled and

issue after changing the blade, and explain that you should review the instructions, is released to cut the first pieces ..

now explain that you must pass the sand or lime if you see something flash ... and it still costs you .. in the figures will take me a handle to see it.

and separated the body, Lijo any edge .. and what I do, and at his table

let inside because I said that before closing you should paint the inside ... as it is for the girl .. not us Green set out to find the right .. so the green color that had SS, I would point should paint marking where and why ... and she is released.

is freshly painted bright because this .. well at this point I told him to stop. and to keep it ... which would not leave because I wanted to see him his madre.me maqueteriles seems that my days are cut back a bit ...

and the girls .. if you can ..

Jumbo Muffins Calories

Glaze recipes

Recipe: Borax
...................................... .. 6 (parts)
Arena Volcanoes · Epuyen ¨ .... 2 (parts)
Clay ¨ ¨ Perito Moreno ........ 2 (parts)
Green Stone ........................ ... 1 (part)
Electric oven, oxidizing atmosphere, 1060 ° C

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Brent Corrigan Webcams

Panzerjäger 39 (H) 7.5cm (Marder I) 2

here .. and the gun almost listo.si you look at the instructions should stop the canyon above is true .. and look below .. they like to confuse us.

the front plates ... need caulk the sink marks

basic parts of the canyon ...

and good if you already finished .. I was afraid of the union of the muzzle

some putty ...

protections and sink marks

plates already assembled, and give discreccion putty.

as the vehicle is open, I will paint the interior before joining ... so a little shade from the rear gun more than anything
After that give ocher
Model panzer air ... not going to go green

two chassis parts ... we work with holes

right piece , next to the hole ... must be removed, click with the cutter and out

and even an interior side

working well now the other side.