Thursday, May 5, 2011

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BA-6, Republic 1937 (GCE), 6 Tower

another push bigger .... now the tower. first drilling and open the peepholes

what followed, the periscope, he would go without the hood as it was dismantled or several with this drilling ... drilling preferred to leave him locked or removed

a record these pieces are upside down, from one side to another and vice versa ...

other details, I saw in books and pictures under fire had another round open ... the model brings blinded ..

drill the barrel

rings the tower for better placement and restoration, the copper away and do ...

and looking for a matching ... I found this to zvezda sitting with some banners in hand and binoculars in the other ... we remove the flags and hand retouch it to be as supported on the tower, on the uniform is no problem as of 1935 ... and I read and saw many cars of the Republic Russian commanders had their uniforms

and figure
ready to paint.

now expected to get the wheels to continue with the vehicle.


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