Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nami And Nico Robin Themes For W995

BA-6, Republic 1937 (GCE), 5 chassis finished

good load back to where you left .. we ... so we ended up low But one piece by Jove, no where to go, and the instruction does not teach it well .. but hey, no see ..

also put the fender, which otherwise does not indicate its exact place .. so I had to be guided through the profiles

front and finished, well almost ... now if they can be seen
now a surplus of FG, we carried out the texture of the pedal vehicle access, it came completely smooth

as you can see, now the headlights, another part not shows your position ... well first thing is to smooth them because we simulate like the picture I put at the beginning, so sand ..

else under the left headlight has one thing that is the horn ... and looking at the pictures takes the well-known Russian way ... so we removed it brings and we created a tree with a piece of
the lighthouse end put the tin foil ...

well and put the straps and pockets with center rivet ..

and the next will work on the tower, because the wheels are ordered and not when it will come ..


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